US Dollar

30 days ago

Video: The Fed’s Priorities are Changing in Golds Favour

Analyst Alasdair Macleod notes that gold prices rose significantly last week, but the miners did not hedge their positions. He believes this is because mining boards have come to realize that it is the weakening US dollar, not gold, that is the cause of the price increase. As a result, they have decided to hold off on hedging their positions.


266 days ago

Video: The Financial Equivalent of Nuclear War

Gold bug, author and investor Alasdair Macleod believes that the US dollar is heading towards a major financial crisis due to its unsustainable debt trap, contraction of bank credit and rising interest rates. What a cheery fellow.


1256 days ago

Video: US Dollar on verge of collapse - silver heading for $100

Trader Patrick Karim has words which will delight Nigel Somerville and other gold loons.


2725 days ago

Frank Trotter: US Dollar will fall Against Other Currencies & Gold

Frank Trotter is the Vice President of Everbank - a forex specialist who warns that the Greenback is set to slide. The decline of the US dollar may be slightly delayed by the likely .25% FED rate hike in December of this year, which may temporarily bump up the US Dollar. The fact that the Euro hasn’t gone down from the beginning of the year suggests that people are largely done using US dollars as a safe haven, and will probably start investing in other currencies.


2778 days ago

Gold, silver, & platinum a 3-5 year bull market lies ahead

Thom Calandra has learned with age that trying to predict where the world economy will go is often very difficult. The purchasing power of gold and real estate against paper currencies is a possible indicator. There is a compression of paper currency everywhere, and it’s difficult to see where the US dollar is going when it’s only trading against other paper. His ultimate insurance is to have plenty of metal stashed away. Against that background...


4109 days ago

Fiscal cliff - nothing solved for the dollar

Forgiver the delayed appearance of the December column for me. I have two excuses. The first is that amid all the present buying, goose cooking and mince pie eating I just got a bit snowed under on the work front. But better late than never. Okay. That is a poor excuse. The second is that I wanted to see how dust settled on the US fiscal cliff drama before commenting. It has settled. I comment.
I never really had any doubt about what would happen. Bluster, bluster, last minute compromise and nothing really settled. We have been here before and it seems with increasing regularity there is almost a sense of ennui. Perhaps that is the wrong imagery. A better one is heroin addiction.


4226 days ago

The US Dollar – The Political Angle ahead of November 6

The US election looms – on November 6th America will choose whether it wants another four years of Obama or a switch to the Republican Mitt Romney. As someone who supported the only fiscal conservative in the race (unsuccessful Republican presidential contender Ron Paul) I am dismayed by the choice and – like most Americans – really do not care about the result. Turnout will not be high. But Obama will win. It is not a matter of if, but of by how much. Just look at the betting on the poll. If Romney wins from here it will be the biggest upset in decades. I hate to write him off completely but I do.
